
GPU Day 2025

Date: May 22-23, 2025.


HUN-REN Wigner RCP Building 3, 2nd floor, Council Room 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós Str. 29-33.,

We are pleased to announce that the 15th edition of the WSCLAB GPU Day 2025 on

“Massive parallel classical computing, artificial intelligence, and quantum technologies for science and industrial application.”

This year’s event, organized by the Wigner Scientific Computing Laboratory, is scheduled to take place in Budapest on May 22-23, 2025. We look forward to welcoming many of you in person.

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Scientifically Oriented Programming of Modern Hardware

Dear colleagues,

A mini course entitled “Scientifically Oriented Programming of Modern Hardware” will be hosted by ATOMKI. The lectures are based on the similarly named course—now entering its 10th year—at Eötvös University, Budapest, by Dániel Berényi, where the goal is to let scientists and developers familiarize themselves deeper with the capabilities and efficient usage of modern computing devices.

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Lectures on Modern Scientific Programming 2024

Date: November 20, 2024.


HUN-REN Wigner RCP Building 3, 2nd floor, Council Room 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós Str. 29-33.,

The Lectures on Modern Scientific Programming series will be organised by the Wigner Scientific Computing Laboratory (former GPU Laboratory) from November 20, 2024 for the 8th time at the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics.

An annually organized seminar series for university students and researchers. These lectures review topics relevant to everyone working on scientific simulations or high performance computing.

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